Jean-Luc Godard

  • 网络高达;让·吕克·戈达尔;戈达尔;尚卢·高达;戈达
Jean-Luc GodardJean-Luc Godard
  1. Marked by the release of Made in USA , the political criticism of Jean-Luc Godard enters into its last phase .


  2. Jean-Luc Godard , " Goodbye To Language "


  3. Among those pioneers of the Jean Rose were such great Fran ç ois Truffaut and Jean-Luc Godard .


  4. I know that Jean-Luc Godard was right when he said that , " A good story has a beginning , a middle and an end , although not necessarily in that order . "


  5. The festival will feature a Jean-Luc Godard retrospective as well as a first-ever screening in China of the six-film " Star Wars " saga .


  6. Francois Truffaut as the " four hundred attack ", Jean-Luc Godard " exhausted " and a number of films to a new form of film concepts and aesthetics have award-winning in film festival . " New Wave " Movie shocked the world .
